“The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson is the first installment in the epic fantasy series “The Stormlight Archive.” Set in the world of Roshar, where powerful storms shape the landscape and magic is wielded through magical gemstones called “Stormlight,” the novel follows the intertwined destinies of several characters. Among them are Kaladin, a former soldier turned slave who dreams of revolution; Shallan, a young woman seeking to uncover the secrets of her past; and Dalinar, a highprince torn between his duty to his king and his visions of a better world. As these characters navigate the intricate politics and looming threats of their world, they become embroiled in a conflict that will determine the fate of their entire civilization. With its sprawling scope, intricate world-building, and compelling characters, “The Way of Kings” is a mesmerizing epic that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.
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